DAY 11 - Thursday 11th November
Greening the urban world: re-shaping cities to meet the demands of the climate crisis
10:00 - 11:00
Young people adapting their lifestyle to build a more sustainable future?
The session will explore how the current capitalist system fails to point out industries that are traditionally the most harmful to the environment, including the fast-fashion and fast-food sectors, which thrive at the expense of the climate. More specifically, this session will look at whether young people have a duty to refrain from consuming these products and support these industries in order to create a more sustainable future.
Chandelle O'Neil
Charles Baldaia
Emma de Saram
12:00 - 13:00
Can youth activism save the planet?
This session will look at the role that activism/advocacy plays in the climate change movement, the importance of its inclusiveness (intersectionality), and the mechanisms in which the youth can get involved for optimal results. Moreover, they will also explore the link between activism and education at both conventional sites of education (school, universities, etc) and unconventional sites (social media, blogs, etc).
Anna Kernahan
Scarlett Westbrook
Dylan Hamilton
14:30 - 15:30
Building greener cities
The session will be run by people who work at a governmental level. They will explore the role of politicians in turning their boroughs/cities/metropolitan areas into greener, healthier hubs to tackle global warming while acknowledging the issue of economic class to make the swift fairer for everybody.
Mete Coban
Philip Glanville
Esther O'Callaghan OBE
Kevin Patel
Tolmeia Gregory
Dominique Palmer
Flavien Joubert - The Seychelles Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment
17:00 - 18:00
Democracy Café - Why is youth engagement in the fight against climate change vital for democracy?
​This session will explore the role that the youth have in the fight against climate change and the mechanisms in which they can get involved in climate activism. Importantly, it will look at whether the onus to mitigate climate change should even be placed on the youth, and the mental and emotional toll this may have on them. Moreover, this panel will also touch on the link between youth activism and education, and it will highlight the importance of intersectionality and inclusiveness in regards to young people’s engagement with climate activism.
19:00 - 00:00
Climate champions and EXTREME International wrap party
Performance from Eco Disco
Conrad Lee